Viapol’s biomass system reduces GHG by 90%

Viapol, a national reference in Brazil in the development of effective solutions for civil construction, has reinforced its commitment to sustainability and the reduction of environmental impacts through the Biomass system. In partnership with the RPM Group, the company has implemented effective programmes to mitigate its carbon footprint and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, encouraging more resilient and environmentally friendly operational practices.

The plant in Caçapava is an example of how Viapol has adopted sustainable technologies to reduce its GHG emissions. By replacing fuel oil with biomass as an energy source for heating the production lines, the unit achieved a reduction of approximately 90% in CO2 emissions compared to 2013. With the use of the wood chip burning system, obtained from by-products of the local timber industry, dependence on fossil fuels has been significantly decreased, making production cleaner and more environmentally conscious.

Compared to other forms of energy, biomass stands out for its low emission of air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and SOx, resulting in a cleaner and healthier production environment. In addition, the burning of biomass generates carbon neutral emissions, contributing to the significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Viapol’s Biomass system is a modern thermal oil heater that uses wood chip biomass from eucalyptus reforestation as fuel. This solid fuel makes it possible to supply heat to asphalt plants and storage tanks in a sustainable way, minimising the risks of soil and atmospheric contamination. “Our products maintain the superior quality and high performance required by industry standards, since chip biomass is a biofuel that generates energy when used in equipment designed for this purpose,” said Fernando Nishimura, Engineering Manager.

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