Rohe Solutions becomes first in Finland to start liquefying biogas at Hamina LNG Terminal

Rohe Solutions Oy has started liquefying biogas from the grid at the Hamina LNG terminal. Liquefaction at Hamina LNG Oy’s terminal and the first pilot deliveries are planned to start in early 2024. Liquefaction from the grid will respond to the growing demand for liquefied biogas. 

Rohe Solutions sells natural gas, LNG and biogas as well as related services based on the needs of industrial manufacturing, heavy goods transportation and maritime traffic. In 2024, Rohe Solutions will also offer its customers Bio-LNG. 

Rohe Solutions is part of Haminan kaasuklusteri, a Finnish coalition of gas and energy companies operating in the Hamina area. As part of the coalition, the company will be able to offer extensive Bio-LNG supply channels also from beyond Finland. The market demand of bio-LNG is growing rapidly, but domestic production in Finland is still very limited. Furthermore, ongoing projects to increase domestic production are only at an early stage. The availability of bio-LNG has therefore been a challenge, especially regarding short term needs. 

“Rohe Solutions is cooperating with various stakeholders to increase the supply of biogas. By liquefying biogas from the grid, we will be able to offer Bio-LNG to the market before the planned biogas production plant projects are completed,” said Sanna Kokkonen, CEO.

Bio-LNG liquefied at the Hamina LNG terminal is a beneficial solution for both biogas users and producers. For the user, biogas liquefaction at the terminal improves the availability of biogas, which is important as demand is growing. For the user, adding a renewable energy source, such as liquefied biogas, to their fuel portfolio will enable user to reduce emissions with solutions that are sustainable well into the future. 

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Especially smaller biogas producers will benefit from the possibility of biogas liquefaction at the LNG terminal since this can be done without the producer having to make costly investments in liquefaction equipment. To be liquefied at the terminal, locally produced biogas must be injected into the national gas grid.

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