Cornea Implants Bioengineered from Pig’s Skin Used to Restore Vision in Humans
Approximately 12.7 million people around the world are blind due to corneal stromal disease. Although a transplanted cornea from a human donor is the only way of regaining vision, only 1 in 70 patients receives a cornea transplant. Now, researchers…
Vegan Biomaterials Could Replace Chemicals In Crop Management
Recent research shows that new vegan-based biomaterials could be used instead of chemical products and pesticides to help farmers manage their crops in a more eco-friendly and sustainable way.
Rocket Power for CO2 Conversion
Christopher Barton began his career in the aerospace industry, but now sees an opportunity to use carbon dioxide to create useful materials like silica, in a way that is cheaper and with a lower carbon footprint than current methods.
Gel Developed from Spider Silk Proteins for Biomedical Applications
A team of scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences reported that spider silk proteins can be incorporated into biologically active proteins and be converted into a gel at body temperature. The study…
Scientists Use Melamin to Capture CO2
A team of scientists from the University of California, Berkeley, Stanford and University of Texas have created a cheap, easy and energy-efficient way to capture carbon dioxide from smokestacks, using an inexpensive polymer called melamine.
The strongest biomaterials in the world
Limpets have 1, 920 teeth on their radula, the tongue-like appendage they use to scrape food off rocky surfaces. These teeth are made from common organic materials - chitin and goethite – but the compounds are arranged in ways that…