Karbon-X and Laconic to develop Biochar Verification Methodology

Karbon-X, a pioneering organization committed to addressing climate change at the local level and Laconic Infrastructure Partners, a leading global provider of environmental intelligence services, have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to develop a cutting-edge Biochar Verification Methodology. 

The novel methodology aims to ensure the accuracy and transparency of Karbon-X’s reforestation project in the Chiquitania Region of Bolivia, and subsequently, it will be applied to verify other Biochar projects worldwide.

Under this agreement, Karbon-X will hold a 65% ownership stake in the developed methodology, while Laconic will own the remaining 35%. The partnership combines Laconic’s state-of-the-art SADAR™ Environmental Intelligence Platform with Karbon-X’s expertise in carbon offset projects and reforestation initiatives.

“Charcoal production is seen as a contributor to climate change. At Karbon-X we can fundamentally make sustainable charcoal and the resulting Biochar fertilizers are not just a part of the solution, but a leading contributor to addressing climate change. Collaborating with Laconic and building out this methodology, we can achieve just that,” said Chad Clovis, CEO of Karbon-X.

The use of charcoal extends beyond a summer BBQ. Many countries rely on charcoal as the primary fuel for cooking and utilities. A 2-hour grill session emits as much CO2 as a car driven for twenty-six miles. “Applying sustainable practices to creating charcoal and Biochar fertilizers, such as using waste nut husks or wood waste from sawmills allow forests to stay standing and provides a reason to plant more trees and reduce commercial logging pressures. This could be a key solution to reducing emissions and providing a financial model to landowners to rethink their land management practices.”

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The Biochar Verification Methodology will leverage Laconic’s advanced SADAR™ geospatial informatics platform to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of data collection and analysis. SADAR™ combines data-gathering, in-situ remote sensing, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to generate informative data visualizations. This approach empowers decision-makers to propose, model, and evaluate complex environmental scenarios with high data pedigree and confidence.

“Leveraging our unique SADAR™ Environmental Intelligence platform to develop the Karbon-X Biochar Verification Methodology will provide the much-needed data accuracy and verification from our highest data pedigree standards,” said Andrew Gilmour, Co-founder and CEO, Laconic. “The new verification methodology will empower local communities to easily offset their carbon footprint and support conservation projects around the world.”

The Biochar Verification Methodology developed through this collaboration will undergo rigorous testing and validation via Biocarbon Registry to meet the highest standards of accuracy and transparency. Once implemented successfully, it will provide valuable insights to improve and optimize carbon offset projects worldwide.

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