Flying Net Zero Is Closer Than Ever
Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the aviation industry was responsible for 2-3% of all GMG emissions. However, now that things are slowly starting to get back to normal in some countries, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) estimates that more…
Ghana Launches Partnership for Private Investment to Achieve SDGs
Ghana recently joined the World Economic Forum to work together on the first-ever Country Financing Roadmap (CFR) for SDGs. The CFRs is an initiative designed by the Sustainable Development Investment Partnership, which is in itself a partnership between the World…
ThinkForest Explores Science and Policy-Making
The recent ThinkForest event on the Role of Science in Supporting Policymaking assembled a group of policymakers and scientists to better understand how a combined understanding of what is needed from both sides to move towards a climate-neutral and nature-positive economy.…
Turning Food Waste Into Opportunity
It’s not a secret to anyone that food waste has increasingly become a problem. We’re not just talking about food waste in our home if we don’t have a compost bin or a pet to give scraps to, but in…
When the power of nature meets design
Latin America is one of the most environmentally diverse regions in the world, but against a backdrop of Covid-19 and increasing protests over social issues, many local stakeholders worry that environmentalism and green economies may be becoming less of a…
EU single-use plastics ban comes into effect
Last week, ten single-use plastic (SUP) products including straws, cutlery and cotton buds were banned in the EU, with the measure coming into effect on Saturday 3rd July. Biodegradable alternatives for these items are anticipated to come into circulation instead.…