AIMPLAS working on using end-of-life tyres for construction
AIMPLAS is working on the RECICAUTXU Project, which focuses on developing industrial processes to obtain a new generation of composite materials loaded with devulcanized rubber particles from ELTs and even other kinds of cross-linked materials. These materials have applications in…
WNDR Alpine launches activewear line made from microalgae
WNDR® Alpine – the outdoor brand launched by the biotechnology company Checkerspot – is releasing the Phase Series, a high performance, low impact activewear line powered by ingredients derived from microalgae.
Novelis introduces aluminium roll forming development line
Novelis Inc., a leading sustainable aluminum solutions provider and the world leader in aluminum rolling and recycling, announced the start of its new roll forming development line.
Edible CBD coating could extend the shelf life of fruits
Researchers reporting in American Chemical Society (ACS) Applied Materials & Interfaces have incorporated cannabidiol (CBD) and sodium alginate into an edible antimicrobial coating.
Researchers create metal-filtering sponge
Northwestern University engineers have developed a new sponge that can remove metals — including toxic heavy metals like lead and critical metals like cobalt — from contaminated water, leaving safe, drinkable water behind.
Breakthrough could lead to cleaner hydrogen energy
Chemists at the University of Kansas and the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have taken a big step toward splitting hydrogen and oxygen molecules to make pure hydrogen without using fossil fuels.