Fortum’s Loviisa nuclear power plant gets nothing but green lights

The Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) has positive statements regarding the safety review of Fortum’s Loviisa nuclear power plant.

In its decision STUK states that Fortum has ensured the safety of the Loviisa 1 and 2 nuclear power plant units in accordance with the effective provisions, and the licensee has presented procedures to further improve the safety of the Loviisa nuclear power plant. Based on STUK’s assessment, the licensee has the required capabilities, procedures, competence and resources to continue safe operations and ageing management. 

In December 2021, STUK issued its decision on the safety review of the power plant’s low and intermediate level radioactive waste final disposal repository. 

“As a result of the Loviisa power plant’s continuous improvement of safety and ageing management, the power plant is in good condition and the lifetime extension is possible. Throughout its history, the power plant’s equipment, systems and structures have been modernised and renovated,” says Sasu Valkamo, Vice President, Loviisa nuclear power plant.  

The current operating licences for the Loviisa nuclear power plant units expire in 2027 and 2030. Fortum has applied for a new operating licence for both units until 2050 as well as for the low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste final disposal facility located in the Loviisa power plant area until 2090. The Finnish Government is expected to issue its operating licence decision in early 2023 based on the statements provided by experts, such as STUK.

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STUK continuously oversees the timely and compliant implementation of Fortum’s safety improvement measures. The Loviisa nuclear power plant’s periodic safety review is conducted every ten years in accordance with the Nuclear Energy Act of Finland. According to the plans, Fortum will submit its next safety assessment to STUK in 2030. The safety of the final disposal facility is assessed in accordance with the Nuclear Safety Act at 15-year intervals. 

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