BIBD incorporates eco-friendly debit cards

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) announced this past December the launch of its new eco-friendly debit and credit cards.

According to the bank, the eco-friendly debit and credit cards are made using the same technology and functionality as conventional plastic cards. However, these are crafted from renewable materials, require less energy to create and don’t produce or release any toxins when destroyed during incineration.

BIBD said the raw materials used for the cards are made from 100% polylactic acid (PLA) layers, a bioplastic produced for annually renewable sources that offers a reduced carbon footprint. As for production, PLA materials have the additional benefit of requiring 65% less energy to produce, and when incinerated, produces 70% fewer greenhouse gases. These results are also independently certified with a third party.

BIBD’s Deputy Managing Director II and Head of Retail Banking Group Irwan bin Haji Lamit said, “The launch of BIBD’s eco-friendly cards demonstrates our commitment to tackling the sustainability challenges facing the world. These cards have the same functionality as our existing cards, and BIBD worked closely with our card manufacturer to ensure a more sustainable alternative to the current materials we use in our cards today.”

The new eco-friendly cards are already available for all BIBD customers starting January 1, issued for all new cards sign-up and upon card renewals for existing BIBD customers, with the aim for all BIBD cards to be gradually replaced with these new eco-friendly cards.

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Being the largest card issuer in Brunei, this is part of the bank’s commitment to integrate sustainability into its business practices, said BIBD.

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